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Teaching with Special Collections and Archives

Best practices for requesting materials and planning for instruction sessions in Boone Special Collections and Archives

Guidelines for Use of Collections

General Reading Room and Seminar Room Rules
  • Materials must be viewed in the reading room under staff supervision, and no material may be removed from the room.
  • Food, drink, and gum are not allowed during research or instruction sessions.
  • Only pencils, laptop computers, and tablet devices may be used for taking notes. Ink of any kind is prohibited.
  • Special collections staff reserves the right to inspect library materials and personal items prior to entry and upon departure from the reading room.
Handling of Materials
  • Materials must be handled with care to ensure their safety and preservation. Please follow any special instructions given by special collections staff.
  • No marks may be added or erased on any materials. 
  • Books, paper, and other objects should not be set on the materials. Special weights will be provided to hold books open.
  • Please do not use sticky notes, paper clips, pencils, or other objects to mark a place in a book or folder. Special acid-free paper strips will be provided upon request.
  • Readers are allowed one archival box or folder OR up to three books at their table station at any time. 
  • Folders should be removed from the box one at a time. The exact order of materials within folders and boxes must be maintained. When removing folders from boxes, please use an "out" card to make sure the folders stay in order. Please report any disarrangement to special collections staff. 
  • Book rests will be provided for bound materials.

Consent to Guidelines for Use of Collections

By scheduling and attending an instruction session or research visit, I as a Pepperdine staff, faculty member, or student indicate receipt and review of the Special Collections and Archives Guidelines for Use of the Collections. I understand that adherence to the Guidelines is expected and breaches of its rules will be cause for revocation of reading privileges. I also understand that my visit may be recorded on surveillance cameras, and that my papers, bags, books, coats, and other personal items will be subject to examination by the staff of Pepperdine University.