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MSOD Master of Science in Organization Development

This guide outlines the library resources available to students in the MSOD program.

Why Look for Articles?

Scholarly journal articles are great for learning more about narrow and focused topics within a discipline, will present research findings and identify specific issues within the field of study. Professional trade publications are written for practitioners in a field and provide timely and practical articles for their audience. More general newspaper and magazines are an excellent source for general readers about current topics.

Scholarly Articles

Locating Scholarly Articles Using Business Source Complete & PsycINFO

Both Business Source Complete & PsycINFO are accessible through EBSCOhost and it is simple to search them simultaneously. Use the instructions below to locate scholarly articles on your topic.

Step One:

Step Two:

  • Type leadership into the first box
  • Type effectiveness or performance into the second box (the word "or" is a search command)
  • Type another word or phrase into the third box that describes the your topic such as emotional intelligence

Step Three: 

  • Click the box for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
  • Limit articles by Date (optional)

Article Searching Tips

Tips for effective searching:

  • Pick the essential keywords for your topic
  • Words such as impact, effect, affected, etc. should NOT be used in your searches
  • Word typed next to each other are searched as a phrase
  • Select your keywords and phrases and type them into separate boxes.

Example Searches in Business Source Complete & PsycINFO

Example: I need scholarly articles about organizational change.
  • Type organizational change into the first box and change the default field to SU Subject
  • You can type additional terms such as employees into the second box
  • Scroll down and click the box for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
  • Click Search
  • Use the slide bar on the left-hand side of the screen to limit your results to current articles
Example: I need scholarly articles about teamwork in the workplace.
  • Type teams in the workplace into the first box and change the default field to SU Subject
  • You can type additional terms such as ethics into the second box
  • Scroll down and click the box for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
  • Click Search
  • Use the slide bar on the left-hand side of the screen to limit your results to current articles
Example: I need articles about organizational behavior at Google.
  • Type Google into the first box
  • Type organizational into the second box
  • Click Search
  • If you want to restrict your to academic journals, click the box for scholarly articles
  • Use the slide bar on the left-hand side of the screen to limit your results to current articles
  • You can try other search terms such as corporate culture, leadership, management or personnel
  • It's also possible to search several search terms at once by using the OR command: type the name of the company into the first box and type organizational or corporate culture or leadership or management or personnel into the second box.

News Sources & Trade Publications