PSYCTests is published by the APA:
Bring attention to your test development work! Send your tests and measures to PsycTESTS®. Both your tests and the literature describing them will be readily discovered if they are included in PsycTESTS.
Users will link from PsycTESTS directly to PsycINFO® and PsycEXTRA® , as well as to PsycARTICLES® and other full-text sources. Increase the possibility for more citations to your research and expand your professional contacts.
Nature of Tests
PsycTESTS features a broad range of coverage. Instruments may be achievement and aptitude tests, intelligence tests, tests of cognitive functioning, occupational tests, personality tests, and so on.
Size of Tests
There is no minimum or maximum test size for submission.
Format of Tests
Tests submitted in text format will be converted to PDF format. If you have test content in other media, please consult with APAbefore sending it.
Ownership of Tests
You must own the rights to the test, or have retained the rights to re-use the test in future works of your own, or obtained permission from the rightsholder.
If you transferred copyright to a journal publisher upon publishing the test in an article, please review the copyright document you signed. Many such forms allow authors to re-publish PORTIONS of their article in other works that they also author; thus submitting the test to PsycTESTS could meet this criterion.
If the test was published in an APA journal, it can be submitted directly to PsycTESTS. Tests that are in the public domain can certainly be considered for PsycTESTS.
Reporting of Tests
The test must be described in the scholarly literature. This may be within a journal article, book, technical report, or dissertation.
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