Market research and industry reports with market share, consumer profiles, forecasting, driving forces, and distribution methods. This database is only available to current Pepperdine students, faculty, and staff.
Statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources, includes access to the Global Consumer Survey .
Market and industry research reports with key statistics, industry conditions, market share, industry performance, market drivers, key success factors, and revenue forecasts for each US industry. This database is only available to current Pepperdine students, faculty, and staff.
For access, click Brand Catalyst at the top of the Simmons interface. Identifies the unique characteristics of over 8,000 brands to help define brand identity, differentiate against competitors, create unique personas, and drive effective media, creative, and partnership strategies.
Includes daily market and media research articles, analyst reports, and a database of e-business and online marketing statistics.
Demographic data mapping tool for custom reports, plus directory data of U.S. businesses and consumers.
Articles from peer-reviewed journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics, including SWOT analyses and articles from Harvard Business Review.
Features news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. For help on how to use Nexis Uni, visit the research guide.This database is only available to current Pepperdine students, faculty, and staff.
Indexing and full-text access to the Los Angeles Times. Covers 1985 to now.
Digital subscription includes complete access to recent issues, print and video creative and DataCenter, featuring downloadable, exclusive rankings, profiles and analysis of agencies, marketers, marketing and industry jobs. First time users will need to create an account and verify email address.
Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies (Red Books) is available through NexisUni. This directory is a comprehensive source of information on advertising agencies in the United States. Documents include general information about the agency as well as detailed advertising information such as area(s) of specialization, billing figures, billings by advertising media, key personnel, associations, and accounts serviced by the agency. To be included in the directory, the agency must meet at least one of the following criteria: It must be the agency of record for at least one national or multi-state account that spends $200,000 or more on media per year; the agency of record for at least one of the companies listed in the Standard Directory of Advertisers; A recognized advertising agency outside of the United States that has one or more accounts in the United States; and a member of a professional agency association
Standard Directory of Advertisers (Red Books) is available through NexisUni. This directory provides a comprehensive overview of more than 25,000 companies in the United States that spend at least $ 200,000 on national and regional advertising campaigns. Documents include general information about the company as well as advertising data such as advertising expenditures, advertising media, advertising expenditures by media, and information on the advertising agency(ies) the company employs.
Full-text databases and popular databases ranging from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases.
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