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ENPR 497 (Postlethwaite)

Economic Data

This database is the best resource for economic indicators. It will also contain many statistics that you can use as independent variables.

Example: I want historical and forecasted GDP data and inflation rates for the United States.

  • On the main page, select Economies with the Pulldown menu
  • Click Go
  • Click the Plus sign+ for Economy, Finance and Trade (Select Consumer if you need data such as disposable income)
  • Scroll down to GDP and click the arrow
  • Select all of the types of GDP data that you need
  • Click Next
  • Go to Geographies and select USA
  • Click Search
  • Scroll down to the section for Economies and Consumers Annual Data and select "View Full Data Set"
  • Use the pull-down menu to select the years that you need (forecasted data is available to 2040
  • Click Apply

Example: I am looking for demographic information on Malibu.

  •    Type Malibu in the Community Facts box and click Go
  •    Select the relevant categories such population, selected economic characteristics, etc.