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LEGL School of Public Policy and Graziadio Business Law

Use the resources in this guide to locate research and policy around laws and legislation.

What is a Law Review Article and Why Look for Articles in Law Reviews?

A law review is a journal published by a law school and contains student written case summaries along with scholarly articles from legal professionals including law professors, lawyers, and judges. The articles contained in law reviews will reference current issues related to the law, decisions from cases as well as current legislation. They are a good source of scholarly content for timely legal issues.

Using LexisNexis Uni for Law Reviews (Library Database)

  • Under Guided Search click on Law Reviews
  • Enter search terms in box provided (e.g., cryptocurrency).
  • Under ..from how long ago select date range if needed.
  • Click the Search button


Using Google Scholar to Search for Law Review Articles (Free Resource)

Google Scholar Search