A commentary is generally a verse-by-verse analysis and discussion of one or more books of the Bible, or possibly a portion of a book of the Bible. It generally includes an introductory section as well.
To find commentaries on a specific book of the Bible, go the advanced search page of Pepperdine's library catalog. Choose "subject" from the drop-down menu and enter these search terms, substituting the name of the book you need:
Bible.Commentaries Mark
To find commentaries in a particular series or by a particular publisher, add a "keyword" search for the series name or publisher name to your "subject" search from above. Here is a sample:
su:(Bible.Commentaries Mark) AND kw:("New Collegeville Bible Commentary")
Or if you just want to see the available commentaries from a particular publisher or in a particular series (not limited to a particular book of the Bible) enter your "subject" search and "keyword" search terms in this way, substituting the name of the publisher or series you would like to find:
su:(Bible.Commentaries) AND kw:("Eerdmans")
Another helpful search might be to search by subject or topic:
su:(Bible.Commentaries) AND kw:(Belief)
Or to search by series name, simply try the following search, substituting the name of the series you would like to find:
se:(The Story of God Bible Commentary)
Pepperdine has both print and online commentaries. To view only electronic commentaries, limit your search to ebooks by checking that box on the left side of the results page.
The electronic availability of Bible commentaries varies widely by publisher, series, and publication year. Here are a few commentary series that can be accessed electronically via Pepperdine Libraries:
Many volumes from the following series are available on ProQuest Ebook Central, and can be found through the Library catalog or by searching ProQuest Ebook Central:
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