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MUS 200: Music Appreciation

Grove Dictionary of Music & Digital Theatre Plus

Reference Books

Guide to the Stacks

Books and printed music are arranged according to the Library of Congress' Classification System:

  • M = Printed music/scores (organized by instrument/genre)
  • ML = Books about music and musicians
  • MT = Books on music theory, pedagogy, and technique

Call numbers of non-circulating reference books begin with "REF", while call numbers for oversized books begin with "Oversize" and are located in a special section in the stacks.

The best search tool for all books, articles, and media (sound recordings and DVDs) is the Pepperdine Library Catalog. Enter a keyword, title, author, performer, or composer and then narrow your search results (to article, musical score, DVD, etc.) using the "Narrow by Format" box to the left on the search results page.

Most journal articles and periodicals are now online, although a few are among the bound periodicals and microfilm in Payson Library, with back years stored in the Calabasas facility. You can search the catalog by subject, ex., SU:music periodicals or su:Music Instruction and study Periodicals

Musical America World wide

Music Career Resources

Sources for Music Research