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Magazine Article:
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Online Newspaper:
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Online Magazine:
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SWOT Analysis:
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SEC Filing from a website:
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S&P Net Advantage:
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Scholarly article with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Andrade, M.S. & Westover, J.H. (2020). Comparative job satisfaction and its determinants in for-profit and nonprofit employees across the globe. American Journal of Management, 20 (1) 46-63. https://doi:10.33423/ajm.v20i1.2752
Scholarly article Without a DOI:
Haeffele, S., & Storr, V. H. (2019). Hierarchical management structures and housing the poor: An analysis of Habitat for Humanity in Birmingham, Alabama. Journal of Private Enterprise, 34(1), 15-37.
Quick Reports:
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Brand Catalyst:
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Cross Tab:
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Company website example:
Celsius Holdings Inc. (2023, March). Functional disruptive live energy. https://www.
Explore. Discover. Create.
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