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ART 230 Foundations in Digital Arts

Introduces beginning concepts, materials, and techniques involved in creating digital art.

Getting Started

Locate artists' works on the Internet using a search engine such as Google; or visit a site that collects information about works from over 180,000 artists:

Artsy, a resource for collection and education, aims to make all the world’s art accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.

ARTnews (available on Flipster) reports on the art, personalities, issues, trends and events shaping the international art world.

Finding Articles

Exhibition Catalogs in the Library

Use the subject headings below to discover exhibition catalogs:

  • [artist's name], eg. Rockburne, Dorothea | Yarde, Richard --
    Exhibitions | Criticism and Interpretation | Catalogs | Interviews
  • "Art, Modern -- 20th century | 21st century"

Useful Subject Heading

Watch Videos

ARTstor Images for Your Presentation/Paper

 Rebecca Quaytman

Quaytman, Rebecca. The Sun (installation title) 2001 Paintings, Prints. Exhibited at Spencer Brownstone Gallery, Spring 2001 Image and original data provided by Larry Qualls. Available on ARTstor

One place to find images for your presentation or paper is the database,  ARTstor.  Log on to ARTstor, create a personal account and create an image group.  Then view information on how to Export to Power Point

You can search ARTstor by the name of an art work, by geography, by classification (for example, digital art), or by collection.  Use the Advanced Search to limit by date. ARTstor images are included in results on JSTOR.

Helpful videos on using ARTstor can be found on YouTube

Specialized Online Encyclopedias

Citation Guides: Works of Art and Images On-Line

Basic information you'll need:

• Artist’s name
• Title of the work
• Date it was created
• Repository, museum, or owner (in other words, where it is now located)
• City or country of origin
• Dimensions of the work
• Material or medium (oil on canvas, marble, found objects, etc.)

See: 14.235Citing paintings, photographs, and sculpture

if you copied image in a book you'll need the books's information

If you found the image online, you will need an access date & the web site address

Citation Styles

Citation styles can be difficult to learn.

Here are links to guides for some of the most popular style guides.

Chicago Manual of Style

Turabian Guide for Writers


These Guides are from OWL, the Purdue Online Writing Lab.