The fourth edition of this bestselling book is a practical guide for teachers that wish to conduct research in their classrooms and for schools that wish to improve their practice.
Action research, explored in this book, is a seven-step process for improving teaching and learning in classrooms at all levels. Through practical examples, research tools, and easy-to-follow "implementation strategies," Richard Sagor guides readers through the process from start to finish.
This workbook facilitates the completion of action research studies by providing a series of tasks that guide action researchers from the beginning of a project and selecting a topic for study, to completion of the project and editing final reports.
Recent enthusiasm for "evidence-based" policy and practice in education has brought a new sense of urgency to understanding the ways in which the basic tenets of science are manifested in the study of teaching, learning, and schooling.
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches by John W Creswell
Presents three approaches - qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods - side by side within the context of the process of research from the beginning steps of philosophical assumptions to the writing and presenting of research.
The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (Thesaurus) is a controlled vocabulary - a carefully selected list of education-related words and phrases assigned to ERIC records to organize them by subject and make them easier to retrieve through a search.
Reports and statistics from RAND, one of the country's premier think tanks, in the areas of education, economics, demographics, health care, government, and more.
Contains global and internationally comparable statistics on education, literacy, science, technology, culture and communication. The Data Centre contains over 1,000 types of indicators and raw data.