Here are two of many great resources to help get you started.
Provides professionally fact-checked and footnoted reports on the most current and controversial issues of the day.
Information on social issues including articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, interactive maps, videos, and streaming audio.
This video covers the basics of using Opposing Viewpoints in Context:
**Access requires logging in with a Pepperdine email on the NY Times homepage. Find step-by-step log-in instructions on the access guide to log in. **
Access to The New York Times (1980 - present), Washington Post (1987 - present), Los Angeles Times (1985 - present), Chicago Tribune, (1985 - present), and Wall Street Journal (1984 - present).
Includes full-text of the Los Angeles Sentinel newspaper from 1934 to 2010.
People who are well known for their writings may also be included in Literature Resource Center
An online streaming video service for universities with films, documentaries, and training videos.
Some videos found in Kanopy:
Search the library catalog for:
• civil rights
• cultural pluralism
• discrimination
• distributive justice
• educational equalization
• equality
• human rights
• income distribution
• poor laws and poverty
• prejudices
. prisons
• social change
• social ethics
• social justice
• social movements
• social values
• toleration
• welfare economics
Wikipedia is an encyclopedia written collaboratively; anyone with internet access can write and edit Wikipedia articles. Users can contribute anonymously, under a pseudonym, or, if they choose to, with their real identity.
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) is a collection of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources; these trusted, authoritative reference works are available 24/7.
If you need general information about subjects, persons, places etc. then GVRL is a good place to start.
The library catalog will lead you to many individual reference books such as:
Explore. Discover. Create.
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