Welcome to the Political Science guide! This guide is designed to help you find articles, books, and other useful resources pertaining to your work at Pepperdine. Use the navigation menu to begin locating information by format. If you would like one-on-one assistance, please email me at nicholas.dandrea@pepperdine.edu or schedule an appointment online.
Happy searching!
Provides professionally fact-checked and footnoted reports on the most current and controversial issues of the day.
Multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
The Cambridge University Press currently publishes 370 peer-reviewed academic journals containing the latest research from a wide range of subject areas. Access is provided to volumes from 2000-2016.
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research collection of social science data. First time users will be asked to create an ICPSR MyData account.
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