Example: I need articles on manipulative advertising and Nonprofits.
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type nonprofit or charitable into the first box
- Type manipulat* or guilt into the second box (the asterisk * gives variations of root words)
- Type appeals or advertising or marketing or messag* into the third box
- Click Search
- Click the box for Peer Reviewed
Example: I need articles on pictures/imagery and nonprofit appeals.
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type nonprofit or charitable into the first box.
- Type appeals or advertising or marketing or messag* or guilt or manipulat* or persuasion or disgust into the second box
- Type images or pictures or imagery into the third box and select TI Title with the pulldown menu
- Click Search
- Click the Box for Peer Reviewed
Example: I need articles on manipulation/guilt in advertising that are not limited to nonprofits.
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type manipulat* or guilt into the first box and select TI Title
- Type advertising or marketing or donations into the second box and select SU Subject
- Click Search
- Click the box for Peer Reviewed
Example: I need research specific to animal/shelters dogs
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type dogs or animal shelters into the first box
- Type nonprofit or charitable into the second box
- Click Search
- Click the box for Peer Reviewed
The article How emotions induce charitable giving: A psychophysiological study will be relevant
Example: I want articles on the reputations of nonprofit organizations.
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type nonprofit or charitable into the first box
- Type reputation* into the second box and select TI Title with the pulldown menu
- Click the box for Peer Reviewed
Example: I want articles on manipulative messaging that have theoretical models.
- Click the box for "Select All" and then click Continue
- Type manipulat* or guilt or emotion into the first box and select TI Title
- Type advertising or marketing or donations or nonprofit or charitable into the second box
- Type theory of planned behavior (or another theory) into the third box
- Click search
- If you don't have a specific theory in mind type theory or model or framework into the third box
- Click search
Example: I need dissertations on the impact of images/pictures on advertising effectiveness.
- Type images OR pictures OR imagery into the first box and select Ti Title
- Type advertising OR marketing OR appeals into the second box and select Anywhere except full-text NOFT
- Type guilt OR persuasion OR manipulat* OR disgust or emotional into the third box and select Anywhere except full-text NOFT
- Click Search
- Dissertations such as "The persuasive impact of disgust-provoking images in animal-rights campaigns" will be relevant
Example: I need dissertations about guilt/manipulation and animal shelters.
- Type shelters into the first box and select Anywhere except full-text NOFT
- Type animals or dogs into the second box and select Anywhere except full-text NOFT
- Type emotions OR persuasion OR guilt OR manipulat* into the third box and select Anywhere except full-text NOFT