ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books. There are currently more than 9.5 million articles/chapters, a content base that is growing at a rate of almost 0.5 million additions per year.
Elsevier has digitized as much of the pre 1995 journal owned-content as possible, bringing articles from as far back as 1823 (The Lancet) to the desktop. Never has in-depth literature searching been so comprehensive and easy to find.
The platform offers sophisticated search and retrieval functionality that enables the user to maximize the effectiveness of their knowledge discovery process. New tools facilitate research work flow aids such as access to content at an early publication stage and efficient multiple document downloading of content that can be stored, printed and passed to colleagues.
The web environment offers new ways to present information as well as enhancing it with other content sources based on semantic technologies, e.g., NextBio. In addition, since 2003, many authors have been submitting extra value-added content associated with the research, such as audio and video files, datasets and other supplementary content, effectively accelerating research beyond the print format.
Performing an Advanced all sources search, you can search all subscribed journals and books from the All Sources Advanced search page.
To search all sources using Advanced search:
1. Click Search on the navigation bar.
2. In Search, enter your search term.
3. From the in menu, select the field of the document in which the search term must appear. Tip We suggest that you use only the common fields listed in the search tips. Otherwise, you may unintentionally eliminate one of the sources you included in your search.
4. If you want to search additional fields and additional terms, complete the following fields: o From the AND menu, select a connector . o In the second Search field, enter additional search terms. o If necessary, change the field to search using the second in drop-down list.
5. Your search automatically includes journals and books. If you do not want to search journals or books, click the appropriate option(s) in the Include field to deselect it.
6. You can also restrict your search by source, subject, or date.
7. Do one of the following:
Click Search to run the search. Tip If your search produces a large number of results, consider editing your search to narrow results. You can continue your search, but the search may take additional time and yield an extremely large result set.
Click a suggested spelling link to rerun your search using an alternative spelling. If your search returns 20 or fewer results and we detect a potentially misspelled word, alternative spelling suggestions will be provided.
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