Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
Designs products and services that are at the forefront of communications technology. The site includes information on research groups and current projects, job vacancies and research opportunities.
BUBL- Electrical engineering
EE Compendium
Internet for Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering
This free interactive tutorial will help you improve your Internet research skills. Includes "best of the web" for electrical, electronic and communications engineers.
kOS AI-powered research tool for faculty and students who can easily create searchable databases of PDF files that reside on their desktop or shared drives and web.
Signal Processing Information Base (SPIB)
Spread Spectrum Scene (SSS)
A resource for information about Spread Spectrum, RF, and various wireless technologies. Includes tutorial and reference information and a Career Center. Brought to you by Pegasus Technologies, an independent product development and consulting firm.
Includes schematics, tutorials, link lists, downloads, etc. Web-EE's tutorials cover electronics topics, both analog and digital, broken down into nineteen major areas that include subjects such as op amps, microprocessors and optoelectronics.
WWW Virtual Library: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
A comprehensive set of web resources in the following categories: Academic Institutions, Information Resources, Journals and Magazines, Products & Services, and Standard
Explore. Discover. Create.
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