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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Evaluation of OER Resources

Criteria for Evaluating OER

  • Accuracy / Quality of Content 
  • Relevance
  • Production Quality
  • Accessibility
  • Interactivity
  • Cultural Relevance & Sensitivity
  • Licensing
  • Ease of Adaptability

Source: "Selection Criteria & Evaluation of OER." Austin Community College Library.

Evaluation Tools

Adopting OER

Incorporating OER into Course Syllabi

The resources below were compiled by the ASCCC OER Initiative and are intended to provide a general overview of the use of OER. 

  1. Butte College offers a course titled "OER Basics" in Canvas. The course is available as a self-paced online course under a CC license.
  2. Course Hero's Adopting Open Educational Resources in the Classroom "provides faculty with an introduction to the laws that influence the use, re-use, and distribution of content they may want to use in a course. Activities include finding openly licensed content for use in a class and publishing openly licensed works created by faculty. At the end of the course, students will have openly licensed content that will be ready for use in a course."
  3. Open Washington's "How to Use Open Educational Resources". is a self-paced workshop that covers licensing, finding OER, accessibility, and more.