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Microforms (Microfilm and Microfiche)

Microforms are images which have been reduced in scale from that which is readable by the unaided eye

Microforms at Pepperdine Libraries

Most microforms are in off-site storage on the Malibu campus and should be requested via Interlibrary Loan. Microfilm is on a reel, microfiche is a small plastic card. 

Government Publications on Microfiche

Once a popular format for many government publications, the majority of government materials once held on microfiche are now available online. The few remaining government documents retained by Pepperdine Libraries can be found in the library catalog and requested. 

Journals and Newspapers on Microfilm

The library has some journals and newspapers on microfilm.  These include The Walter Lippmann Collection, The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, a number of historical Churches of Christ publications, and The Pepperdine Graphic.  All microfilm is included in the library's online catalog.  Because the microfilm is stored offsite, please request specific dates of microfilm through Interlibrary Loan.

Using the Microform Reader at the Payson Library

Our microform reader is attached to a PC with a vertical display. It can be used for reading microfilm, microfiche, and ultrafiche.  This reader digitizes the microfilm/microfiche which can then be saved to a flash drive. Contact a Payson library staff members to access and use the reader.