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ENG 489 Literary Theory

Library resources for investigating literary theory

Literature Specific Databases

General databases that include literary topics

Why is searching the MLA Bibliography better than Google?

  • The MLA International Bibliography contains over 2.5 million records that pertain specifically to language and literature. Material from other disciplines, like biology or political science, is not included.
  • The Bibliography provides the most comprehensive listing of scholarly material in language, literature, culture, and folklore, including publications not available on the Web.
  • A professional indexing staff and scholars in relevant fields review books, essay collections, journals, bibliographies, and electronic publications to create the most accurate listing possible.
  • The materials covered come from reputable publishers in over one hundred countries.
  • Indexers use controlled vocabulary as subject headings, enabling more precise searches than user-chosen keywords would allow.
  • Each citation contains the information users need to create a bibliography as part of a research project.

MLA Style Center

Information about the 8th/9th edition of the MLA Style Handbook can be found in the MLA Style Center, including A Quick Guide to Works Cited and Ask the MLA