by Rick Ostrander, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professional Programs, CCCU
"ACADEMIC FREEDOM IS the right of the professor to a degree of freedom in teaching and research, subject to professional standards of competence, relevance, and respect... It is a foundational value of the academy."
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
The AAUP definition of academic freedom:
The AAUP website includes Resources on Academic Freedom
The Provost's statement on academic freedom reiterating a portion of the tenure policy:
The University realizes that academic freedom and economic security are essential for acquiring and maintaining a strong faculty. The faculty member must enjoy that freedom characteristic of the best in higher education as it has developed in Western culture. A faculty member, while recognizing a special responsibility to the University as a contributing scholar, requires freedom of discussion in the classroom and freedom of professional research and publication of results. Dedicated to the free pursuit of truth, a faculty member should consider it a basic duty to encourage freedom of inquiry in peers and in students.
While abiding by and supporting the policies, ideals, and procedures of the University, the faculty member has the right of peacefully seeking revision of policies. Free inquiry and the pursuit of truth are indispensable conditions for the attainment of the goals of any university. A faculty member, while enjoying academic freedom, shares responsibility with the administration for the preservation of this freedom. Therefore, a faculty member is free in the quest for truth within a broad but intricate framework of responsibility to colleagues and students as sharers in this quest, to the University with its ideals and purposes, and to society with its basic mores and morals.
For librarians at Pepperdine University, academic freedom includes, but is not limited to the following:
Pepperdine University librarians have the following responsibilities:
Pepperdine Libraries supports the free exchange of ideas and aspires to build collections that include all points of view.
Pepperdine Libraries affirms the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association.
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