Also includes The Oxford Companion to Western Art, edited by Hugh Brigstocke (2001), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms by Michael Clarke and Deborah Clarke, and Encyclopedia of Aesthetics edited by Michael Kelly (1998).
You can search the catalog by the phrase drawing or sketching to find books on technique and then filter by checking ebook to find online books. You can also find books on many well-known artists by searching their names and filtering by ebook. Or, you can search directly in collections of online books such as these:
Includes e-books formerly in Pepperdine's ebrary and EBL collections.This database is only available to current Pepperdine students, faculty, and staff.
Find images for your presentation or paper in the database, ARTstor. Log on to ARTstor, create a personal account and create an image group. Then view information on how to Export to Power Point. Use the Advanced Search to search ARTstor by the name of an art work or artist, by geography, by classification (for example, Drawings and watercolors), or by collection (for example, Beyond the Taj).
Helpful videos on using ARTstor can be found on YouTube
NOTE: ARTstor is now incorporated into JSTOR
Documenting Your Work - Emerging Artist Guide
Images of your work are what get people interested in what you are doing. Because of this, documenting your work properly is one of the most important investments you can make as an artist and entrepreneur.
Tma portfolio preparation
Slideshow on artist portfolio preparation
Explore. Discover. Create.
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