OAIster: union catalog of digital resources
American Memory, The Library of Congress
MADID (Yale University Manuscripts & Archives Digital Images Database)
VIA (Harvard University Visual Information Access)
Bridgeman Art Library: art, culture & history images
Masters of Architecture Over 7,000 digital images of slides originally belonging to architects
Parker Library on the Web : Images of 6th-18th century manuscripts from Parker Library in Corpus Christi College, Camden.
Access to foremost scholarly art encyclopedia covering all aspects of Western and non-Western visual art, including the full text of The Dictionary of Art.
Also includes The Oxford Companion to Western Art, edited by Hugh Brigstocke (2001), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms by Michael Clarke and Deborah Clarke, and Encyclopedia of Aesthetics edited by Michael Kelly (1998).
Tip! You can use images produced by the government without having to seek permission or heed copyright.
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HST view of Mars. Source: http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect19/Sect19_10.html
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