Pepperdine Libraries provide access to thousands of electronic books (e-books), spanning all subject areas. This guide covers Pepperdine's major e-book providers and you can search for ebooks using the Library Catalog or on the providers' own websites. For in-depth instructions on using ProQuest ebooks, JSTOR ebooks, or EBSCO ebooks, please click the desired tab at the top of this page.
Follow these steps to search for ebooks:
- Begin by building an advanced search in the Libraries catalog.
- Use the "Search Tools" area within the Advanced Searchto limit your search terms to books held by Pepperdine University Libraries that are in the eBook format, as shown below:

3. When you have found a relevant ebook, click the ebook's title within the search results. You can either access the ebook by clicking "View eBook", or by clicking a link under the "Check Availability" heading on the ebook's catalog record:

4. Once you have arrived at the ebook's website, you can read the book online or download the title. This process varies a bit from vendor to vendor.
ACLS Humanities Example:

ProQuest Ebook Central example: