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Open Access Publishing

Journal Impact Factor

Journal Level Metrics

What is the Journal Impact Factor?

  • The Journal Impact Factor is a metric that measures how many times a journal’s articles have been cited by other journals.
  • The Journal Impact Factor is assigned by the Clarivate, an analytics company.
  • Only *some* journals (about 12,000) have Journal Impact Factors.
  • If a journal has a JIF of 2 it means that articles that were published 1-2 years ago were cited an average of 2 times this year.

How can I find the Journal Impact Factor for my journal?

  • Pepperdine doesn’t subscribe to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) which publishes the Journal Impact Factor.
  • The free Master Journal List Manuscript Matcher ( has older Journal Impact Factor scores.
  • Publishers sometimes list the Journal Impact Factor on their websites.
  • Please be aware that we don’t have access to complete lists of journal rankings.

While the Journal Impact Factor is the best known resource for ranking journals, there are other resources for ranking journals and some of these alternatives might be more useful for selecting a journal that is a good fit for your resource.

Is the journal legitimate?

Is the journal legitimate? 

  • There are many predatory publishers that target faculty with flattering emails that entice them to submit manuscripts with promises of quick turnaround times.

Predatory journals are low quality publications that aggressively solicit manuscripts, promise quick publication turnarounds, lack transparency and target faculty authors rather than highlight content for readers. Librarian Jeffrey Beall coined the phrase “predatory publishes” in 2010.

  • Criteria for detecting predatory journals:
  • Email solicitations for a manuscript. Legitimate journals do send emails to faculty, but be especially careful with journals that you learned about from an email.
  • Pretending to operate in one country with a PO box address when the operations are really in another country 
  • A misleading geographic name (e.g. The Australian Journal of Economics with no Australian editors or institutional affiliations). We have also encountered predatory journals that use names of prestigious institutions like “Cambridge” that have no connection with these universities.
  • False claims about inclusion in article databases or curated lists of approved journals. You will have to double check these claims yourself (or contact a librarian) by looking at the journal title lists of the databases.
  • False claims about Journal Impact Factor from Clarivate or bogus metrics services that haven’t been mentioned in this book like the Index Copernicus Value that many predatory publishers mention. Pepperdine doesn’t subscribe to the journal citations report, but you can search the free Master Journal List Manuscript Matcher (
  • Promises of quick publication (e.g. less than month)  and optional fees for expedited publication.
  • Non-professional email addresses like, 
  • Websites with grammatical errors and misspellings
  • The website targets authors rather than readers. Ethical journals emphasize content for readers while predatory journals target authors and highlight quick publication times.
  • Copyright for open access articles is retained by the publisher rather than the author despite being charged article processing charges. An advantage of open access publishing is that authors retain copyright which is in contrast to publishers retaining copyright with subscription journals. You should be concerned if a journal’s website doesn’t address copyright.
  • Fuzzy and unclear images on the websites or images without permissions 
  • There isn’t a retraction policy. In many cases retraction policies are at the publisher rather than journal level.
  • Low article processing charges, which sounds counterintuitive, could be a sign of a predatory journal. Many legitimate journals will have article processing charges over $1,000. We suspect that predatory journals can entice desperate authors with lower APCs.

Is there is a list of approved journals?

  • Cabell’s Journalytics is a database that has journals which meet Cabell’s quality criteria. Our subscription covers the disciplines of business economics, education and psychology.
    • Cabell’s doesn’t list every single legitimate journal

What  about lists of predatory journals?

  • Beall’s original list of predatory journals is defunct and out of date
  • Lists of predatory journals have two limitations:
    • Lists have unfairly included journals that aren’t truly predatory
    • With the growth of predatory journals, it’s difficult for any list to include every possible predatory journal.

Is the journal prestigious? 

  • While the Journal Impact Factor from Clarivate is the most famous, other resources like SCIMago and CiteScore rank journals by often their articles or cited.

Journal Metrics Resources

Journal ranking resources:

Journal ranking services are excellent tools for evaluating the legitimacy of journals. Their rankings and metrics are based on how many times a journal’s articles have been cited by other journals. If a journal is frequently cited, it’s unlikely that it’s a predatory journals

  • Scopus (link to database) is a resource that curates journals and publications must meet its criteria for inclusion
    • Journals are ranked by the CiteScore which evaluates journals based on how often articles are cited.
    • The lowest ranked journals in Scopus that receive few citations risk being removed from the database.
  • SCIMago, developed by a research group from the University of Granada in Spain, is open source website that evaluates and ranks journals

    • The SCIMago Journal Ranking (SJR) metric refers to the average number of citations that articles in a journal receive in a given year for articles published in the past 1-3 years.
    • SCIMago’s list of journals is supplied by the Scopus database
    • Journals are assigned to quartiles based on how often they are cited
  • Master Journal List Manuscript Matcher (
    • This a free website that provides embargoed Journal Impact Factor scores
    • Clarivate has high standards for inclusion and the majority of journals don’t have Journal Impact scores
  • CiteScore from Scopus/Elsevier,  is a journal ranking metric that is available in the library’s Scopus database (after logging in, click the link for Source).
    • Evaluates over 25,000 journals
    • A Citescore of 3 means that articles written 1-4 years ago were cited an average of 3 times
    • The Percentile provides context (e.g. in the top 84% of journals in a field)
    • % Cited shows the percentage of articles in a journal that are cited
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) is a metric that is normalized for subject disciplines which means a social psychology journal could be compared to a plant science journal.