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MUS 280: Introduction to Music (W. Park)

Resources for your study of music

Why Set Google Scholar Preferences?

Pepperdine Libraries subscribes to a large amount of print and electronic content. By setting your Google Scholar preferences (as shown below), you will be better able to access these resources available to you as you search in Google Scholar.

Scholar Preferences vs. No Scholar Preferences

When Google Scholar preferences are set to "Pepperdine University - Find Full Text," you will see hyperlinks (highlighted) to the right of search results that will help you navigate to Pepperdine Library resources.  

5 Simple Steps to Searching Pepperdine's Content in Google Scholar

Step #1

Why Google Scholar?

Question: Why would you use Google Scholar?

Answer: Google Scholar identifies scholarly research materials from a broad range of subject areas.

Google Scholar offers a "cited by" feature - it will display a list of documents which cited the document you originally retrieved. This can be useful in determing how influential a source has been.  The list only includes documents available in Google Scholar, though.