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ENG 350 British Literature Survey

Resources for study of British literature

Online Databases containing British Literature

Individual Authors

General Literature Web Resources

Literature Resources Online

Cambridge History of English and American Literature

A comprehensive encyclopedia of English and American literature derived from individual print editions of The Cambridge History of English literature and The Cambridge History of American literature, published between 1907 and 1921. The Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages.  Essay topics range from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing. The set encompasses a wide selection of writing on orators, humorists, poets, newspaper columnists, religious leaders, economists, Native Americans, song writers, and even non-English writing, such as Yiddish and Creole.

Available on

Why Google Scholar?

Question: Why would you use Google Scholar?

Answer: Google Scholar identifies scholarly research materials from a broad range of subject areas.

Google Scholar offers a "cited by" feature - it will display a list of documents which cited the document you originally retrieved. This can be useful in determing how influential a source has been.  The list only includes documents available in Google Scholar, though.

Go into the preferences of Google Scholar and select Pepperdine University from Library Links.

Why Is Searching the MLA Bibliography Better Than Searching Google?

  • The MLA International Bibliography contains over 2.5 million records that pertain specifically to language and literature. Material from other disciplines, like biology or political science, is not included.
  • The Bibliography provides the most comprehensive listing of scholarly material in language, literature, culture, and folklore, including publications not available on the Web.
  • A professional indexing staff and scholars in relevant fields review books, essay collections, journals, bibliographies, and electronic publications to create the most accurate listing possible.
  • The materials covered come from reputable publishers in over one hundred countries.
  • Indexers use controlled vocabulary as subject headings, enabling more precise searches than user-chosen keywords would allow.
  • Each citation contains the information users need to create a bibliography as part of a research project.